
Podcast Playbook Newsletter

Everybody makes mistakes 😲

Published 9 months ago • 3 min read

Okay, real talk. Nobody likes making mistakes, right? Sure, mistakes are great teachers. And sometimes, those mistakes lead us to our greatest victories.

But that usually happens down the line. And with a heavy helping of hindsight.

The great news is that we've found in many cases, it's far easier (and way more efficient!) to learn from the mistakes of others...

And podcasting happens to be one of those cases where this 👆principle definitely works.

Particularly when it comes to some podcasting fundamentals.

Check out our 5 TOP MISTAKES every podcaster can (and should!) avoid on their journey to podcasting success:👇

❌ Not investing enough time to content creation - creating quality content takes time. And lots of it! It’s a mistake to believe otherwise.
❌ Not having a consistent release schedule - we’ve said it once and we’ll say it again…Consistency in podcasting is key!
❌ Not promoting or marketing the show enough - if you want to grow your podcast audience, you need a solid marketing strategy. It’s as simple as that.
❌ Not engaging with listeners - your listeners are the lifeblood of your podcast. Don’t neglect them!
❌ Skipping show notes - yes, creating show notes is an extra step. Yes, they are important. No, you can’t skip them!

What do you consider BIG PODCASTING MISTAKES? Hit "Reply!" and share them with us!

You can find out more about podcasting mistakes to AVOID here: The 5 Podcasting Mistakes that Every Podcaster Should Avoid


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Today, let's think pink! 💗💗💗 Yes, I'm talking about the new Barbie movie. And yes, we are going there!

Last week I went to see the new Barbie movie, and even though I knew I was going to love it, it was surprisingly deep. There was a lot of laughter, there were tears, and at one point the audience even gave a resounding applause! This got me thinking - what can we learn from this age-old icon?

Whether you went to see Barbie for the fight for feminism, the personal memories, the stunning cast, or a combination of all of these things, it’s likely that you came out on the other side with a little more hope. Here are three lessons from Barbie that will change your perspective as a podcaster for life (And if you haven't seen it yet, don't panic... there are no spoilers here!)

1. Embrace progress over perfection

Striving for perfection, while admirable, can actually hinder the progress of your podcast.

We want to wait for the perfect time to launch, for the perfect topic, the perfect guests, the perfect [fill in the blank]. But, guess what? It's never all going to be perfect. And so you're going to be waiting – and not podcasting! – for a long time!

In reality, on your journey to podcast success, your mindset and your commitment are what leads to progress, and these are of far more value than that elusive state of perfection. IMHP, perfection is overrated!

2. Find the power in ordinary

We are always told to be "extraordinary". However, there is power in finding the ordinary things that we excel in. Sometimes in life, we can see ourselves as failures if we don't achieve what society deems as a successful career. Although there is nothing wrong with striving for more, at the same time, we shouldn't discount ourselves for finding our power in the ordinary.

We are not defined by our jobs or titles, but by who we are and what we mean to those around us. Whether you are a mom, sister, brother, or nephew, those ordinary titles mean a lot to your family and friends. There is a certain superpower in each of us when we simply dig deep and stay true to ourselves. After all, if Barbie can be anything, that includes being ordinary.

3. Dream carefully

Just because we are told we can be anything, doesn't mean we have to be! The endless options we have before us can be exhausting, to say the least. While it can be incredibly empowering to achieve great things, it is also unbelievably tiring. Recognizing this exhaustion is the first step towards being kind to ourselves, honoring the process, and making sure to incorporate rest into our lives.

This is a lesson we can take with us on the days when we feel both proud of ourselves and also significantly depleted. So when you set out to achieve your goals, dream carefully. Just because you can do anything doesn't mean you have to. Reach for goals that fuel you and propel you into your success so that you can come out on the other side rejuvenated by what you've accomplished.

And speaking of Barbie 😉 .. we can't get enough of these memes. Check out our Instagram today for more!

Until next week...

Happy podcasting! 🎧

The Team at We Edit Podcasts

Podcast Playbook Newsletter

by We Edit Podcasts

We are a female-founded podcasting production agency that has been in business for 8+ years. We write a weekly email on all things podcasting.

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