#178: Unlocking Podcast Growth: The Power of Genuine Networking

Unlocking Podcast Growth: The Power of Genuine Networking

The key ingredients to podcast growth are simple. You need quality audio, quality content, and consistency.

But there is a lesser known ingredient that can really help you achieve that all-important long-term podcast success.


Yes, Moira, you gotta network.

But you gotta do it right!

And that something “right” is something I call genuine networking.

Genuine networking is far more than collecting LinkedIn connections. It's about building authentic, meaningful relationships with people who share your interests, values, and goals. It's about connecting on a deeper level, fostering real relationships, and being genuinely invested in others' journeys…and their success.

But why do we say that genuine networking is key to building your show’s long-term success?

✨3 reasons✨

1. Authentic Connections Lead to Authentic Engagement 💥

Genuine networking lays the foundation for real, authentic relationships to develop between your fellow podcasts, but this also filters down to your listeners and your guests. And this is invaluable for building your podcast community.

As an added bonus, when people feel a genuine connection to you, they’re far more likely to engage with your content, and share it with their networks.

2 Collaboration Over Competition 🏆

Genuine networking opens doors to collaboration opportunities. Whether it's co-hosting episodes, guest appearances, or cross-promotions, genuine networking with others can expose your podcast to new audiences and so grow your podcast community.

And perhaps the most important point when we’re talking about success for the long-term..

3 A Strong Support System 💪

Having a network of genuine connections will mean that you will have a support system of people who understand the challenges and triumphs of podcasting. They can offer advice, share resources, and provide encouragement, and if need be, cry with you. (It happens!) This support system is crucial for maintaining motivation, overcoming obstacles, and continuously improving your podcast.

So build your podcast network, work to build those genuine connections, and your podcast network will work for you and your show's long-term success. 🔥

- Jennay

And speaking of a genuine podcast network, I recently had the privilege of sitting down and chatting with someone from my podcast network, Steph Fuccio from Coffeelike Media. Steph is a podcast powerhouse and shares all sorts during the interview. Check it out here.👇

Behind the Scenes...and Beyond the Mic

Just a reminder that Business Beyond the Mic is taking a break over the summer.

In the meantime, relive some of our favorite moments from episodes from Season 1! 👇

How to Get Your Podcast Back on Track 🚂

Top Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Podcast Discoverability 🚀

Self-Care Tips For Podcasters During the Month of Love 💕

Links Worth A Look...

  • Spotify has released its Second Quarter 2024 Earnings. One stand-out stat, subscribers increased 12% year-on-year to 246 million. 😮
  • Heading to Podcast Movement this year? THE Ira Glass will be one of the speakers! Find out more here. 🔥
  • And finally, the deadline for entries for the Women In Podcasting Awards is fast approaching. Get your entries in here. 🏆

⚠️ ATTENTION! Good things ahead! ⚠️

Keep 👀WATCHING👀 this space...

We're super excited for our rebrand! There are BIG things in store....🔥

Until next week!

Happy podcasting! 🎧

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Our team has been serving podcasters since 2015, so by now we know a thing or two about what it takes to create a successful show!

So, how can we help
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