#177: How to Start a Podcast About Anything

How to Start a Podcast About Anything

So, you know you want to start a podcast (great idea, btw! 😉 reach out to us, we can help!) but you just don’t know exactly what your podcast should be about? We get it. But here’s the beauty of podcasting…you can literally start a podcast about anything…

Yes, Cat in the Hat Mike Myers (in what I would argue is one of his best performances – besides Shrek, obviously. I will not be taking any criticism at this time.) I said anything – your favorite hobby, a niche interest, or even a personal passion project.

The key to success lies in knowing three fundamental things:

1. Know Your Audience 💭

When it comes to creating a podcast that is successful long term, understanding who your audience is and what they want is crucial. Ask yourself:

  • Who are they? Consider their age, interests, and demographics.
  • What do they need? Identify the problems or questions they have that your podcast can address.
  • Where do they hang out? Knowing where your audience spends time online can help you promote your podcast effectively.

Pro Tip: Create a listener persona – we call this your audience avatar – a fictional character that represents your ideal listener. This will help you tailor your content to meet their needs and interests.

2. Know Your Content ✍️

Once you’ve identified your audience, focus on your content. Your podcast episodes should ALWAYS provide value, whatever your show is about overall.

Pro Tip: The advice we always give here is PLAN YOUR CONTENT! However works for you. But the key thing to remember is that nothing great ever just happens. You have to make it happen. And so you have to put time and effort into creating high-quality, highly valuable content.

And the third fundamental for creating a successful, long-lasting podcast…

3. Know Your Format 🎙️

The format of your podcast is how you deliver your content. There are various formats to choose from! FUN FACT! They’re not all interviews! Find the format that best delivers YOUR content, and you’ll lay the foundation for a successful podcast.

Final Take-Away

When you have a clear understanding of your audience, your content, and your format, a podcast about anything really is possible.

- Jennay

Speaking about podcasts about anything, did you know there are so many great podcasts for brides-to-be? We made a list! Check out 15 of the Best Wedding Planning Podcasts for Brides-to-Be for all kinds of insights, tips, and hacks for your big day. 👇

Behind the Scenes...and Beyond the Mic

Just a reminder that Business Beyond the Mic is taking a break over the summer. But STAY TUNED! There are so many amazing things in store for Season 2!

While we all eagerly await Carli's return, check out some of our favorite episodes from Season 1 again! 👇

How to Take Your Podcast to the Next Level Using Video with Carli & Jennay 🎬

The Podcast Growth Strategy Every Podcaster Needs 🤩

Embracing Innovation and Evolution in Podcasting with Tim Truax👏

Links Worth A Look...

  • Captivate's Dashboard 2.5 has been released! Take a look and find out more here. 🔥
  • Voting is now open for the African Podcast and Voice Awards! Cast your votes here.🏆
  • And finally, Tom Webster shares a really insightful post on podcast editing: What Has Your Podcast Got To Lose? ✂️

⚠️ ATTENTION! Good things ahead! ⚠️

Keep 👀WATCHING👀 this space...

We're super excited for our rebrand! We've got so many new things we can't wait to share!

Until next week!

Happy podcasting! 🎧

The Team at We Edit Podcasts

Is it your first time here? Then, welcome! Allow me to officially introduce you to We Edit Podcasts.

We are a full-scale podcast production agency, on a mission to provide everything you need to simplify your podcasting process, reduce overheads, and publish quickly with a strong team behind you!

Our team has been serving podcasters since 2015, so by now we know a thing or two about what it takes to create a successful show!

So, how can we help
YOU and your podcast? 👇

Looking to LAUNCH a podcast? Check out our free podcasting courses!

Check out The Podcast Digest, where we break down all the top tools and strategies you need to grow your show.

Looking for editing services? Take ours for a test drive! Start your Trial Episode for free!

Ready to take your podcast to the next level? Check out our core Services to create a package for your podcasting needs.

If you are unsure about where to start, schedule a free call to get all your questions answered!

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Podcast Playbook Newsletter

We are a female-founded podcasting production agency that has been in business for 8+ years. We write a weekly email on all things podcasting.

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