
Podcast Playbook Newsletter

#151: The One About Predicting the Future

Published 4 months ago • 6 min read

The One About Predicting the Future

One of my favorite things about January is the blog posts we typically share around this time of year. And one of my top ones is our annual “Podcast Predictions” post. (I’ve added the link a little further down if you’d like to check it out!) And it’s my favorite for two reasons.

ONE. It’s fun to analyze the data and research the trends to lay the groundwork for our predictions for any given year. (It’s also fun when we see those predictions come true! So I guess that’s three reasons? 🤷🏻‍♀️)

And TWO THREE. I get to sneak in some of my “podcast wishes” as predictions in the hopes that the podcasting powers that be take note and make them happen.

Case and point for this year…more podcasts in mainstream film and television! If you haven’t seen Only Murders in the Building, Vengence, or even Karen Pirie yet, get on that! (After you’ve finished this newsletter, of course!)

But along with our podcast predictions for 2024, I’ve also been doing a lot of thinking about what’s IN and what’s OUT for 2024.

These are a great way to help bring more focus to the year, both for your personal and professional life. Or for that weird Venn diagram situation where your personal and professional life overlap (I believe the “cool kids” are calling that overlap your “Personal Brand” these days.)

(I think putting “cool kids” in quotation marks officially disqualifies me as said “cool kid,” right? 🤦🏻‍♀️)

Oh well, moving swiftly along to my INS and OUTS for 2024, which I hope you’ll find helpful in some way, shape, or form…

IN in 2024 👍

Trying New Things

In at Number 1: being more willing and ready to try new things. Whether that’s for your podcast, for work opportunities, or in a personal capacity, setting the intention to say “yes” to new opportunities will increase the likelihood that you do, indeed, experience new opportunities!

Falling Forward ➡️

I’ve spoken about this a bit before (and one of my favorite sayings I picked up in 2023 was “cringe is temporary.” Shoutout to Tamilore O. again for this one!) but this year, I’m conscientiously making the statement that I’ll be falling forward.

And this one goes hand-in-hand with trying new things. The fact is, not all the new things are going to work out. So if I’m going to try them anyway, I’ve got to be comfortable with falling forward.

Filling My Cup 🥛

This was something that I picked up towards the end of 2023, but I’m bringing it along in 2024! Because something that hit me like a ton of bricks was the realization that I can’t pour from an empty cup.

So if I don’t want to be giving people the sledgy dregs (and I can confirm that NOBODY wants that!) I need to do the things that keep my cup full.

And now to the outs…

OUT in 2024 👎

Trying Too Hard 🥵

In 2024, I’m saying “See ya later” to trying too hard. I can only ever give my best. And if I’ve done that, that’s enough. No more spending time and energy unnecessarily!

Not Trying At All

In 2024, we’re not going to wait for things to be perfect before we try! That’s so 2023! Plan as best you can beforehand (we’re still totally doing that!) but then just GO FOR IT!

Overthinking Instead Of Trying 🤯

This is a biggie. If we’re not careful, we can overthink ourselves out of some of our best ideas! But 2024 us is NOT going to let that happen! This year, we can think the normal amount, and then we’re going to TAKE ACTION and just TRY!

Okay, so I’m not quite at the “enlightened Yoda” stage…but I can tell you this…I’m trying working on it! 💪

- Jennay

P.S. As promised, check out our Podcast Predictions for 2024 here! 🔮

Behind the Scenes...and Beyond the Mic

What is the value of understanding the podcast industry? 🔍✨

On the latest episode of Business Beyond the Mic, Carli welcomes James Cridland, Editor of Podnews. (One of our favorite daily podcast newsletters, btw, you can sign up to the newsletter

James is a radio futurologist - a writer, consultant, and public speaker on radio’s future. And he has so much podcast insight to share! 🤩

During the conversation, James dives into what it looks like to be embedded in the community that you serve - something we're incredibly passionate about! And he also reminds us to dig deep into your metrics, use the tools to your advantage, and truly understand exactly how your audience listens to your show!

It's a fantastically valuable and HILARIOUS 🎣 (IYKYK!) episode! You don't want to miss it!

Hit this link to tune in now, and be sure to subscribe on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, or wherever you listen in! 🎧

Links Worth A Look...

Founder's Corner

Continuing on the trend of what's in and what's out, this year something that is an absolute "in" is the concept of creating my own future.

Here's the truth...

If you don't take back the reigns of your own narrative and become the author of your own story, then others will dictate it for you.

So what does that mean exactly?

Well, a lot of times, without even knowing it, we let life simply happen to us.

We go with the flow on social plans.

We do the tasks we've been assigned at work.

We attend the events others want to go to.

And before you know it, you've got a whole year filled with things you didn't necessarily set out to do.

This year I've decided to focus instead on living intentionally - when it comes to where I spend my time, the healthy boundaries I put in place, and even who takes up the majority of my precious time.

You need to start being the driving force behind what your life looks like so that you can anticipate what is to come.

After all, the best way to predict your future, is to create it!

Let's look at my simple framework for shifting your life and creating your future.

1. Put It On Pause ⏸️

Every single day we spend so much time simply reacting to what is going on around us -- your phone, your kiddos, your job, you name it!
So, stop. Put it on pause.

Hold up a second, and just take a little time for yourself. Time that isn't just reactive to the endless noise that surrounds your daily life. Take some real time to just be by yourself, free from distractions, and focus on what you want your life to look like.
Now answer some questions: What’s really important to you? What are you truly passionate about? What are you exceptional at? What is your purpose in life?

2. Think Big, Get Focused 💪

When you're creating your future, it is not the time to hold back.

Let go, and think BIG!

What are you capable of when you reach for your maximum potential? Just think about what you can accomplish if you bring your whole self to the table.

"If you aim high, your success will be monumental." Michael Annese

Now, once you've got a clear idea of what is important to you and what you are capable of, it's time to get focused. See your vision, imagine it being done, and think about the possibilities!

3. Make a Move! 🎬

It's time to take ACTION!

Just take a small step towards the future you want to create. And then, prove to yourself that you are committed to making your vision a reality.

Accept nothing less than your personal best, and serve yourself a taste of your new future, a taste of what is to come.

What you do with your time matters. It shapes what is to come. So make every minute count!

Your life, your vision...Make it happen!

Until next week,

Happy podcasting! 🎧

The Team at We Edit Podcasts

Is it your first time here? Then, welcome! Allow me to officially introduce you to We Edit Podcasts.

We are a full-scale podcast production agency, on a mission to provide everything you need to simplify your podcasting process, reduce overheads, and publish quickly with a strong team behind you!

Our team has been serving podcasters since 2015, so by now we know a thing or two about what it takes to create a successful show!

So, how can we help
YOU and your podcast? 👇

Looking to LAUNCH a podcast? Check out our free podcasting courses!

Check out The Podcast Digest, where we break down all the top tools and strategies you need to grow your show.

Looking for editing services? Take ours for a test drive! Start your Trial Episode for free!

Ready to take your podcast to the next level? Check out our core Services to create a package for your podcasting needs.

If you are unsure about where to start, schedule a free call to get all your questions answered!

Or want to boost your bottom line? Join our Affiliate Partner Program today!

Podcast Playbook Newsletter

by We Edit Podcasts

We are a female-founded podcasting production agency that has been in business for 8+ years. We write a weekly email on all things podcasting.

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