
Podcast Playbook Newsletter

#148: The One About Endings and Beginnings

Published 5 months ago • 7 min read

The One About Endings and Beginnings

We can’t believe we’re here! Our (almost!) last newsletter for the year!

(Psst! 🤫 Keep your eyes out for a sneaky newsletter from Carli hitting your inbox next week…it’s going to be a goody!)

We’re at the time of year when everyone is sharing Best of…lists. (We’ve got a pretty cool list ourselves, btw…keep reading to check it out. We’ll give you one guess as to what it features. 😉)

And it’s also the time of year when we do some reflecting on all that transpired on this most recent trip around the sun.

And what a year it’s been! Full of challenges and triumphs, successes and setbacks, and obviously, many wins, and losses learns! (Got you there, didn’t I?)

But for us, 2023 has been the year of “You either win, or you learn!” No more losses, now it's just lessons! 😎 So here are some of our top WINS and LEARNS from this past year.

Win #1

Realizing that it’s wins and learns, NOT wins and losses! Seriously. That’s probably been one of my biggest personal wins this year. Did I try something and it worked? 👍 Great! Did it not go quite as planned? 👎 You know what? That’s okay! Because I definitely learned something! And that’s a win!

(It's the Holidays! You know Tyler Hines had to feature somewhere! 😂)

Now back to those wins...

Win #2

This newsletter. I LOVE what the Podcast Playbook has become. I’ve loved putting each edition together with Carli. And I hope you’ve loved reading it as much as we’ve enjoyed writing it!

Now…the learns…

Learn #1

Not everything goes like you planned…and that’s okay! So perhaps the biggest learn this year was the Podcasters Platform. We worked so hard to create the Podcasters Platform! We wrote courses, filmed videos, created workbooks…and it just didn’t take off like we hoped. 😔

Was that discouraging? Yes. There’s no point in denying that. But there are still some major wins within the hard lessons! Firstly, I know of at least one podcast that exists (and is thriving!) today solely because the Platform existed! And that’s amazing!

And secondly, none of that hard work was in vain! Not only do we now have the skills to actually build a community-based platform, but we’ve since pivoted, and now offer our first series of courses on Udemy!

So if you’re looking to start a podcast in 2024, check out our How To Start a Podcast course…did we mention, it’s FREE! You can find that link at the bottom of this newsletter! 🤩

And finally…

Learn #2

Falling forward is still forward-motion. This one has required a little bit of mental gymnastics to make it “stick”. Especially for someone who always tries to “get things right”. But one of the biggest lessons I learned this year is that aiming for perfection is overrated. Because it’s far better to do something…and fall forward…than to spend all the time coming up with the "perfect plan"…without ever doing anything. Don’t get me wrong, I still plan as carefully and as thoroughly as I can…but I’m not waiting for everything to be perfect before I try. Because even if I fall…forward-motion is still a win! 🏆

So, like I said, quite the year!

But we wouldn’t have it any other way! Thank you for journeying with us through 2023! Here’s to some much-needed R&R! And we can’t wait to see what 2024 has in store!

- Jennay

P.S. As promised, here's our very own "Best Of" list! Featuring our picks of the Best Podcasts of 2023! 2023 really outdid itself in the Podcast Department! (Although, if we're being honest, we think this every year!) Bring on 2024! 🎧

✨FINAL✨HOLIDAY BONUS! Here's our final offering of our TOP HOLIDAY podcast recommendations!👇🎧 HINT...They're ✨PERFECT✨ for those last-minute shopping trips and holiday meal preps! 😉

Tis the Podcast

The Calm Christmas Podcast

Tinsel Tunes

Behind the Scenes...and Beyond the Mic

The latest episode of Business Beyond the Mic is LIVE! 🔥

This time around, Carli sits down for a fantastic conversation with Senda Ben Abdallah. Senda is a product marketing manager at a tech startup in London, and the host of the Too Long; Don’t Listen Podcast, a show dedicated to aiding students and young professionals in navigating their career paths through the sharing of inspiring stories.

Some 🔥TOP TAKEAWAYS 🔥from the conversation:

🔥 Insights into the technical and emotional challenges of podcasting!
🔥 How finding the right tools and learning the terminology and technology were some of Senda's biggest podcasting challenges.
🔥 What Senda wished she knew before starting her podcast, and how podcasting has opened doors to people and conversations that she might not have otherwise had.

It's an insightful, wisdom-filled episode! You don't want to miss it!

Hit this link to tune in now, and be sure to subscribe on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, or wherever you listen in! 🎧

Links Worth A Look...

Founder's Corner

With 2023 coming to an end, I can’t help but reflect on all that has happened throughout the year. Everything from successes, to failures, to big lessons - they come to mind all at once!

But as I’ve been reviewing all the events, there’s something that I’ve been stuck on… where can I see the growth? 🧐

“Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to error that counts.” – Nikki Giovanni

Mistakes and failures are inevitable. That’s life!

But what I’ve come to learn is that they are much easier to swallow when you’ve turned them into opportunities. This can be through:

  • Personal growth.
  • Doing things better.
  • Making a mindset shift.
  • Taking a necessary reset.

More often than not, mistakes in podcasting are simply a result of something you haven’t yet learned, testing a new process, human error, and so on.

It’s not that you’re purposefully setting out to make mistakes or fail. You simply might not know the best way to do things yet.

Enter… opportunity! 💡

As you learn new methods, and what works best you not only improve personally as a podcast host, but you can guide and teach others to do the same.

So what does it look like when you make this mindset shift?

Let’s dive into my Triple-A Framework for turning mistakes into opportunities.

1. Acknowledge 🙋‍♀️

The first step towards growth is to actually acknowledge the mistakes you’ve made. Set out to find those valuable learning lessons and note them on your journey.

On top of that, find ways that you can improve. Where are the opportunities for real growth and how can you capitalize on them?

So whether you accidentally mixed up your calendar dates and missed a podcast interview, or you forgot to select the right microphone for your recording, step out and claim it! 💪

From there, you can only do better! With things like a scheduling calendar that sends out reminders, or a proper pre-interview checklist - you can get it done!

2. Analyze 🔍

Once you’ve recognized your mistakes and failures, now you can capitalize on learning from them in order to teach others. Analyze exactly where things went wrong, how you can do it differently moving forward, and what you’ve learned along the way.

“Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful.” – Margaret J. Wheatley.

Continue to analyze each learning opportunity by reflecting on your progress as you go. This will help you to see the path more clearly so you can always start better the next time!

This is especially true for your podcast. For example, the more you teach others about your podcasting process, the better your process becomes in turn.

Analyzing every aspect helps iron out all the kinks. And who knows? Perhaps your solution could be useful to others as well.. ding*ding* business opportunity! 💰💰

3. Adapt 💫

And finally, the best way to ensure that mistakes aren’t repeated is to always have a learning mindset. When you use the feedback life gives you and you remain teachable, you are much more likely to be able to adapt to challenging situations.

Be sure to put your learnings into practice! Apply what you’ve learned so you can actually reap the benefits, turning those mistakes into opportunities.

The podcast industry is changing all the time, with new technologies, new platforms, new equipment, or even podcasting styles - you name it! 🎙️

Staying true to this learning mindset and allowing yourself to easily adapt is key for seizing those opportunities for your podcast.

When we learn from our mistakes and try to find the opportunities in each situation, you will see tremendous growth and improvement through these valuable lessons.

So find the lessons, strategize a plan, and adapt!

Until next year,

Happy podcasting! 🎧

The Team at We Edit Podcasts

Is it your first time here? Then, welcome! Allow me to officially introduce you to We Edit Podcasts.

We are a full-scale podcast production agency, on a mission to provide everything you need to simplify your podcasting process, reduce overheads, and publish quickly with a strong team behind you!

Our team has been serving podcasters since 2015, so by now we know a thing or two about what it takes to create a successful show!

So, how can we help
YOU and your podcast? 👇

Looking to LAUNCH a podcast? Check out our free podcasting courses!

Check out The Podcast Digest, where we break down all the top tools and strategies you need to grow your show.

Looking for editing services? Take ours for a test drive! Start your Trial Episode for free!

Ready to take your podcast to the next level? Check out our core Services to create a package for your podcasting needs.

If you are unsure about where to start, schedule a free call to get all your questions answered!

Or want to boost your bottom line? Join our Affiliate Partner Program today!

Podcast Playbook Newsletter

by We Edit Podcasts

We are a female-founded podcasting production agency that has been in business for 8+ years. We write a weekly email on all things podcasting.

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