
Podcast Playbook Newsletter

#137: The One About Beginning at the End

Published 7 months ago • 6 min read

The One About Beginning at the End...💪

Somehow it’s October already and we find ourselves in Q4.

And, in my experience at least, these last few months of the year are marked by three core questions:

“How close did we come to the goals we set back in Q1?”

“Can we circle back on this in the new year?”

“Does this come in pumpkin spice?”

(Only sort of kidding with that third one…)

🚨And a word of warning! 🚨 October is also the last month where we can have any influence over our Spotify Wrapped! I have it on good authority (this Wikipedia page) that only activity between January 1 and October 31 of a given year is included. 😲

(You better believe I heed this warning! I will not be having a repeat of 2021, thank you very much.)

(DO NOT ask me about this as I WILL NOT be sharing.)

(YES. It WAS that bad!)

But let’s circle back to the point, shall we?

In these last months of the year, we tend to focus on the end. We reflect back. And the emphasis is on wrapping up projects rather than starting something new.

And all those projects we didn’t start, or the goals we didn’t reach either get crossed out entirely, or they’re just shifted to the next year. Because it’s much better to start at the beginning, rather than beginning at the end, right?

But today, I want to offer an alternative solution…

Sure you could wait until the new year to start that side hustle, tackle that passion project, or launch that podcast. And you could probably write a pretty convincing list as to why “the new year” is a much better time to start.

But what would happen if we viewed Q4 not as a countdown to the year, but as a window of opportunity to be three months further ahead than you are right now when the new year rolls around?

Because in reality, the right time to start is not a point in time; it's a decision.

So, if you’ve been waiting for that sign to start your podcast/launch that project, consider this newsletter “it”.

You have the passion, the ideas, and the capability. All that’s left now is to take that first step.


You can:

Start small.

Start messy.

All that really matters is that you start.

- Jennay

PS. If one of your goals for 2023 was “Start a podcast!” but you need a little more convincing that now is the perfect time to make that dream a reality, we’ve got a post just for you on our blog, The Podcast Digest: Top Reasons To Start a Podcast in 2023. Check it out 👇 and let us help you take that first step…today.

Links Worth A Look...

  • Enjoyed this take from Tom Webster, Why Branded Content Could Be Bigger Than You Think. 🤔
  • Congratulations to The Podfather, Adam Curry! He was the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award at this year's Spark Media Ignite Conference Awards. 🏆
  • More congratulations! 🎉 This time to our Founder and CEO, Carli van Heerden! Her new podcast, Business Beyond the Mic, launched this past Sunday! Check out the first few episodes here! 🎉
  • And finally, International Podcast Day was on Saturday! Our team celebrated by sharing what podcasting means to them. In case you missed it, check out our video here. 🤩

Founder's Corner

Over the last few weeks, it seems like around every corner I have been faced with the questions, "What is the value of the content you put out?" and "What are the motives behind what you share with your audience?"

Creating valuable content matters now more than ever before. With the way the online landscape continues to change, what your audience or listeners truly desire is for you to answer their questions, freely giving them the information they need to find success in their own business or life.

“If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success.” – John D. Rockefeller

So how do you find a way to continuously put out incredible content?

Well, it's all about perspective. Think of it this way: your content can be shaped and wielded as a tool in your hands and has the potential to be that breath of fresh air for your audience as they are seeking answers.

"Provide value instead of noise and truth instead of misinformation."

We often hear that "The best leaders give without expecting anything in return." Why is it that they choose this strategy? Well, for starters, when you go above and beyond for your loyal listeners, you will often get something back without even realizing it at first.

Not only will you receive unexpected benefits, but there can be an incredible personal fulfillment component that goes hand-in-hand with providing valuable content without expecting anything in return. Seeing others succeed because of the advice you've given them provides a new purpose to what you put out into the world. Ultimately, you will change your perspective of the way you put yourself out into the world!

The phrase that comes to mind is: "Success isn't always loud." 🤫🤫🤫

When you quietly, and consistently give, you will slowly build a loyal and dedicated audience. Remember the law of reciprocity... others are more inclined to reciprocate when you have positively impacted their journey.

Let’s break down 4 action steps to help you stay focused on creating valuable content for your audience.

1. Follow Your Curiosity.

When you adopt a journalistic approach to the information you want to share, it fosters your curiosity. Then in turn:

The more curious you are, the more interesting your content becomes.

The value that you provide with your content creates a certain satisfaction in the minds of your audience as the new knowledge that you provide replaces the emptiness of unanswered questions.

Valuable content often sparks innovation and creativity. By sharing your insights and knowledge, you might inspire others to think differently or generate new ideas, fostering a culture of innovation within your community.

2. Be Genuinely Interested.

When you are genuinely interested in a topic, it shows! Your enthusiasm to create content to solve the questions of your audience will spill over into the effort you put into the research as well as the end result.

So what’s the best way to stay interested in a topic that may be covered a lot?

Simple answer: choose an interesting angle!

If you come at a topic from a new angle, not only will your audience be more engaged with your content, but you will also appreciate the creation process as well. The new “spin” on the topic can up the caliber of what you put out and open up new discussions that are not seen on every other blog or podcast out there. Your genuine interest will seep through into every aspect of your content creation strategy.

3. Share with Personal Authenticity.

One of the things that makes content super valuable and engaging is the relatability aspect of it. The more your audience can see themselves in your shoes, the more they will respond to what you’re putting out.

So focus on making your content:


If your content provides nothing new, has no relatable touch point, and looks like a carbon copy of what’s already out there, then you are only adding to the noise. Instead, you have to infuse your content with your personality and your brand to cater most specifically to your audience.

4. Dig Deep, not Wide

Often times when you set out to create a piece of content, you can easily become overwhelmed by the breadth of a topic. When we stretch too wide, the subject matter can go on endlessly and there can simply be too many things to cover all at once.

Instead, focus on staying in a one-topic wheelhouse, as it were. Dive deeper into a few key areas of one overarching topic. That way you can dig deeper and provide more valuable information instead of going too wide and barely scratching the surface or simply telling your readers what they already know. Keep in mind, that your audience most likely already knows the basics of a topic so they need you to give them more!

That means:

Going above and beyond,
Providing insights and strategies that aren’t available elsewhere.
Staying away from the filler and the fluff!

So, give your audience the specifics, the things that will help them actually achieve their goals.

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” – Albert Einstein

As we lean into Q4, focus on finishing the year off on a strong note by remembering that success isn’t always loud, and if you create value with no expectation of getting anything in return, you will experience the greatest rewards.

So, go ahead, and change the culture of content creation. Give more to the world than you take, and stir up a moral revolution!

Until next week...

Happy podcasting! 🎧

The Team at We Edit Podcasts

Is it your first time here? Then, welcome! Allow me to officially introduce you to We Edit Podcasts.

We are a full-scale podcast production agency, on a mission to provide everything you need to simplify your podcasting process, reduce overheads, and publish quickly with a strong team behind you!

Our team has been serving podcasters since 2015, so by now we know a thing or two about what it takes to create a successful show!

So, how can we help
YOU and your podcast? 👇

Looking to LAUNCH a podcast? Check out our free podcasting courses!

Check out The Podcast Digest, where we break down all the top tools and strategies you need to grow your show.

Looking for editing services? Take ours for a test drive! Start your Trial Episode for free!

Ready to take your podcast to the next level? Check out our core Services to create a package for your podcasting needs.

If you are unsure about where to start, schedule a free call to get all your questions answered!

Or want to boost your bottom line? Join our Affiliate Partner Program today!

Podcast Playbook Newsletter

by We Edit Podcasts

We are a female-founded podcasting production agency that has been in business for 8+ years. We write a weekly email on all things podcasting.

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