
Podcast Playbook Newsletter

#134: The One About Getting Things Done!

Published 8 months ago • 9 min read

Okay, so if you read our newsletter last week (you can find it, and all our previous newsletters here, just in case) you’ll know I’m on a journey to redefine my relationship with productivity.

Because what I’ve come to realize is that working all the time and being “productive” are not necessarily the same thing.

So, instead of feeling like I always have to ”Be 👏 productive!👏 Be, be productive!👏” (if you know, you know), my goal over the last while has been to maximize my work time, so I can minimize my task time. In other words, I want to be SUPER productive during my working hours so that I can accomplish my tasks effectively and efficiently. That way, I can get to all the tasks and projects I need to do, as well as those extra exciting projects that I’d love to tackle…but there just never seems to be enough time for.

You know the projects I’m talking about. Whether it’s that book you’ve been wanting to write, that side hustle you want to start, or yes, even that podcast that you want to launch, we could all do with a little more time. And the key to this, for me at least, has come from unpacking and understanding productivity.

So if you’re looking for ways to BOOST your productivity and MAXIMIZE your time, then you’re welcome to join me on the journey. But BUCKLE UP! (I have no idea where we’re going.😬)

I DO, however, know some of the tools helping me navigate the way. So I thought I’d share my top 3 picks with you today. These tools have been game-changers! They've helped me get organized and get things done! So whether you’re a content creator, podcaster, or anything in between, I think they could help you, too!

Number 1: Notion: I recently rekindled my love for Notion! Notion is great because it takes your to-do lists, brainstorming activities, and even your content calendars and turns them into a masterpiece of organization and efficiency. And it comes with some really cool templates! 🤓 (Yes, I said “cool templates.” I’m a Content Creator Nerd. I know.) Use Notion to plan your podcast episodes, break that project down into manageable chunks, or create a super fun and effective weekly schedule. And use those cool templates to take your productivity to the next level!

***I also, occasionally, dabble in creating Notion templates with a focus on organization and productivity. (I told you, Content Creator Nerd.) If those are something you’re interested in, hit “reply” and let me know! I’d be happy to share!

Number 2: ChatGPT: Yes, I use ChatGPT. But before we go into a tailspin about AI and content creation, let me clarify how I use AI. Because when it comes to speeding up your processes, if you learn how to wield it, AI can be a powerful productivity tool.

AI tools are really great when it comes to streamlining the content creation process. AI helps me get “unstuck” whenever I hit a bit of a creative block. Rather than mulling over an idea, or even a particular paragraph for hours (yes, that really has happened) I plug a prompt into ChatGPT. And “Hey, Presto!” I either have the bones of something great that I can then flesh out, or I realize it’s said the wrong thing completely. But I now know exactly what I actually wanted to say! And with one simple action, both my creativity and my productivity have been given a boost.

Use AI to help you brainstorm literally anything related to your podcast, or use it to summarize your episodes for your social media posts. It’s a great productivity tool, you just need to learn how to wield it!

And finally, Tool Number 3:

Pomodoro-Style Apps: These are simply apps that apply the Pomodoro Technique. The Pomodoro Technique works by leveraging the principles of time management, focus, and task segmentation. And by breaking work into short, concentrated intervals (usually 25 minutes, followed by a break) it is so much easier to maintain productivity and complete tasks efficiently. What I’ve found is that ultimately, not only am I more productive in these slots, but I’ve also got more mental clarity and stamina from taking a number of small breaks throughout the day.

*There are lots of options out there, I’ve used Pomodor (web-based) and Focus To-Do (phone app). But there are also YouTube videos designed around this principle.

Do you use tools to BOOST your productivity and efficiency? Share them with me! I’d love to hear what works for you!

And if you're a podcaster looking for top tools specifically to help your podcasting process, you can check out this 👇 post.

- Jennay

Links Worth A Look...

Founder's Corner

Today I’m going straight for the punch. 90% of podcasters don’t publish more than three episodes. And of those who do make it past the 3-episode mark, most don’t hit success until they are 100+ episodes in. Successful podcasters are over 7 times more likely to have published more than 100 episodes. In fact, in the first year of your podcast you are basically in the school of podcasting - finding your voice, honing your journalism skills, becoming a better speaker, and finding ways to resonate with your audience.

But listen up.. don’t let that scare you off. Instead, go into your podcasting journey with a mindset to commit for the long term. Now keep in mind, you have to actually start to get anywhere on the ladder of progress.

Take me for example - I am just in the process of launching a brand new podcast, Business Beyond the Mic, and I am kicking myself for not starting back in 2019 when I first had the idea for it. If I only published one episode a week, I would’ve been long passed the 100-episode mark by now.

Granted, life happened. Both my business and personal life kept me more than busy enough without throwing a new podcast launch into the mix. But imagine if I did! The progress you make from consistency over time is simply priceless.

Okay, now there’s no point in getting lost in the “should’ve, could’ve, would’ve”. Let’s get back on track…

When you first start out with your podcast, you might not be getting much traction. Not only because you are new, but at the time you might also be on a different journey in the real world, learning new things about yourself and your business. As time goes on, that knowledge you’ve gathered can influence you to pivot or take a new direction, leading to more and more people tuning in.

Now, let’s look at what it takes to reach big goals in the long run.

Did you know that a staggering 92 percent of people who set New Year’s goals never actually achieve them? [Source: Statistic Brain] So if starting a podcast was on your list of resolutions, you were either on the 92 percent who didn't launch or 8% who did.

Then what does it take to make your goals a reality? Most successful people who achieve their goals time and again have one thing in common: They focus all of their efforts on the action of getting to the goal instead of the goal itself.

So what does that mean for your podcast? Well, instead of thinking about “I want 10,000 downloads in the first 90 days”, shift your mindset to focus on actionable steps you are going to take to make that goal a reality! In essence, you need to separate the goal from the work you need to put in in order to GET TO THAT GOAL!

The same thing rings true for your business. It’s great to have goals like “I want 100 more clients by the end of this quarter” or “I want to sell $40,000 in courses this month”. But where is your focus? Your focus should be on the exact steps, the individual milestones, the HARD WORK required to - you guessed it - GET YOU TO THAT GOAL!

Focus on the action, not the goal. If the action is, “Did I record 3 episodes this week and reach out to 10 new potential guests?” and you check those things off of your to-do list, then bam! You are making the right moves towards your goal ✔️✔️✔️

“The most successful people are very patient and live by the motto 'one step at a time'.”

The same thing rings true in the opposite direction. If you stop doing the thing that got you to your outcome, then the outcome will no longer be achieved. If you are focusing on the number of downloads your podcast has instead of the activity that you did to get to those numbers (consistently publishing episodes), then you will not succeed in the long run. You will fall into a vicious cycle that is a direct result of your inconsistency.

Now, granted.. consistency does not directly guarantee that an episode will take off, or a video will go viral. But without consistently producing valuable content, that video would not have been there to go viral in the first place!

[Mind blown] 💥💥💥

“Success is the product of daily habits—not once-in-a-lifetime transformations.” — James Clear

Most of the time, the reason you aren’t where you want to be is because you aren’t doing the things you need to do, consistently. Now I know that consistency is thrown around time and again, which is making people skeptical that it actually works. But guess what? When you consistently do something you are not only working towards a desired result, but you are also getting better and what you’re doing!

Maybe you’re not a great podcast host at the start or when you launch your show. Now, if you give up and quit your podcast at that point, you’re always going to think of yourself as a mediocre host. However, if you keep going, consistently doing more episodes, you’re eventually going to learn what works and what doesn’t, becoming a better podcast host in the process!

Now ask yourself this:

“Would you rather be that first podcaster who quits, or the second one who actually continued and became great at what they do?” The ball is in your court! 🎾🎾🎾🎾

“We are what we repeatedly do.” - Will Durant

So, how can you ensure that you’re putting yourself into the group of 8% of people who actually achieve their goals? Let’s look at two key strategies:

1. Plan Long-Term

As I mentioned earlier, the key is committing to your podcast for the long haul. When you plan long-term, it eliminates the thing that makes most podcasters fail - the act of quitting. Once that is off the table you can just keep on consistently putting out new episodes, learning from your journey, and patiently doing the work. The ultimate motivation is knowing that every action you take is an investment in the long-term success of your show. Don’t underestimate the power of what you’re doing today and how it can compound in the future. If you are being consistent, the results will continue to trickle in years down the line.

2. Commit to the Activity

When you commit to the activity instead of the goal at the end, it allows you to put 100% of your effort towards getting it done. You can then separate that long-term goal from the action it takes to get there. The focus should never be on the outcome. The focus should be on doing what it takes, and carrying out the activity that leads to progress. Actively work towards creating incremental steps for yourself, boxes you can check off at the end of each day to get you closer to your end result.

Now, make the mindset shift, put these strategies into action, and watch them work over the long term.

Until next week...

Happy podcasting! 🎧

The Team at We Edit Podcasts

Is it your first time here? Then, welcome! Allow me to officially introduce you to We Edit Podcasts.

We are a full-scale podcast production agency, on a mission to provide everything you need to simplify your podcasting process, reduce overheads, and publish quickly with a strong team behind you!

Our team has been serving podcasters since 2015, so by now we know a thing or two about what it takes to create a successful show!

So, how can we help YOU and your podcast? 👇

Looking to LAUNCH a podcast? Check out our free podcasting courses!

Check out The Podcast Digest, where we break down all the top tools and strategies you need to grow your show.

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Podcast Playbook Newsletter

by We Edit Podcasts

We are a female-founded podcasting production agency that has been in business for 8+ years. We write a weekly email on all things podcasting.

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