
Podcast Playbook Newsletter

#133: The One About Productivity

Published 8 months ago • 6 min read

Hey Reader,

Productivity is always a hot topic. But today, I want to share something a little bit different…

I spent a good amount of time in my teenage years watching the now cult classic, Bring It On. (The original. There is only one.)

And for better or worse, it’s still one of the movies I quote most often. ("These are not spirit fingers, THESE 👐 are spirit fingers!") And, of course, the anthem of many a high-school event, “Be aggressive! Be, be aggressive!”

But here’s the thing. It may just be me, but somewhere along the way, perhaps due to the hustle lifestyle, the pursuit of perfection, or the constant pressure to “be the best”, I realized that anthem has evolved into something else in my adult life…

”Be 👏productive! Be, be 👏 productive!” 👏 It’s catchy. It’s constant. But it can also be really counter-productive…

Now, don’t get me wrong, productivity is vital — it gets us to the places we want to be, both personally and professionally. It helps us achieve goals, and it fuels success. But guess what? You can’t be, be productive all the time. You also need to know how to rest. (I haven’t quite come up with a memorable chant for that one yet. But I’m working on it!)

So what I’ve come to realize is this…As much “Be Productive!, Be, Be Productive” is a super catchy motto, you can't pour from an empty cup. And trying to do so is not beneficial to you, or anyone around you.

But here's the magic: Rest isn't the enemy of productivity; it's its BFF! When you rest well, you work better.✨ Magic! ✨

I wrote a blog post a couple of months ago that shared some of the strategies I had found success with in terms of creating a high-productivity (but low-stress!) schedule. Do I get it right all the time? No. But when I do put those strategies into action consistently, my productivity levels soar. I feel great. I perform at my best. And, I’ve got more time to rest and recharge. Don’t ask me how. I told you, it’s magic!

If you want to check out the strategies I use for creating a high-productivity schedule, you can check out the full post here.

And in today’s edition of the Founder’s Corner, Carli also shares some really practical concepts for boosting your output without having to boost your effort.👇 Bring it on! 😉

- Jennay

Links Worth A Look...

Founder's Corner

In the last while I've heard a lot about the value that lies in having an endless source of content. As a creator — whether you're a podcaster, blogger, brand builder, writer, or course creator — it's always the same pain point that people are dealing with...

What content can I put out next? How can I increase the amount of content I put out? Where can I fill up my idea bank? Is it possible to maintain consistency when putting out high volumes of content?

If you can relate to the endless procrastination that leads up to content creation and you find yourself asking these questions, then listen up!

Enter the Content Flywheel 🎡🎡🎡

So before we get into the main components of a successful content flywheel, let's take a quick glance back at where the term was first derived from.

The flywheel was invented by James Watt, specifically as an energy-efficient tool. Prior to being in motion, the flywheel is heavy and hard to rotate. It requires a lot of consistent energy and work to get it into motion. This is similar to where you might be as a creator when you've hit writer's block or when you are just starting with your content marketing efforts.

However, once it starts spinning, the flywheel will require less and less energy to keep it in motion. And voila! Exactly where you want to be; in a continuous content generation loop.

When your business is driven by content, a flywheel is crucial for combatting a lack of motivation and inspiration. The same is true when it comes to the success of your podcast. In the beginning, any attempt to move the needle requires significant effort and hard work with little to show for it in results.

So what should you rely on? ... Consistency! 🎯 🎯 🎯

As you consistently create high-quality content, you'll start to benefit from the compounding effects. As you build momentum, it will eventually power you into a success loop.

Now, what does a content flywheel look like, exactly? Well, you can essentially create your own and tailor it to your business and your audience.

Here is my quick reference, simplified content flywheel:

This consists of 4 overarching pillars:

Create High-Quality Content
Consistent Frequent Publishing
Promotion and Shareable Media
More First-Time Listeners/Customers

Within each of these pillars, there is significant room to expand on your content marketing strategy, which I will gladly do in a future newsletter - [so stay tuned, or hit reply if you are eager to learn more].

What I want to touch on today is the power of what you build into your content flywheel. Within each rotation, you have to eliminate the potential friction that will slow your flywheel down. Then, you have to consistently add force to it — each stage needs its own momentum.

To understand what you need to build into your flywheel, you have to first decide what it is that you want to get out of this powerful loop.

So whether that is new leads for your business, new listeners for your podcast, or even new subscribers to your newsletter, you can then build in key sections to give your flywheel momentum that drives towards your desired result.

So let’s look at three key components of a successful content flywheel:

1. Encourage Consistency: Yes, I know, I know... consistency is something that gets absolutely beat over the head. But do you know what? That’s because it works! You aren’t just going to get your big break or have your podcast take off without having consistently published your episodes, week in and week out.

When it comes to the flywheel, without consistency, there is no initial rotation! The same thing applies to your business or your show. When you first start out, it can be hard to make any sort of impact or drive new leads for your team. However, with consistency and time, it becomes easier for you to create value for your audience and attract more first-time listeners or customers.

So make sure to build in that consistency within your content flywheel so that you are continuously driving that momentum forward towards your end goal. 🥅 🥅 🥅

2. Build in Feedback: So what’s the best way to provide your listeners or customers with the value that they are looking for? Well, simply put them at the center of what you’re doing.

That’s right! Put them SMACK-DAB in the middle of your content flywheel and literally build in your feedback right there.

From there, every piece of content you put out needs to be aligned with the purpose of solving a problem for your listener or customer. This way your audience is not only taking on a more active role in the type of content that they are receiving from you, but you are in turn benefiting from the feedback that they give, which feeds directly back into the momentum of your content flywheel.

Quality Content -> Built-in Feedback -> New Ideas = Content that is even more aligned with your audience.

This is a surefire way of using built-in feedback to become the motivator behind the content you create, drawing in even more listeners and potential customers.

3. Capitalize on Momentum: And last but not least, it’s time to capitalize on the momentum that, together with your audience, you have created! The more valuable your content becomes to your listeners, the more awareness you will create around your podcast or business.

At this stage, your content consumers are essentially going to become promoters of your content! 📣 📣 📣

This is exactly where you want to be! So don’t let the momentum of the incredible content flywheel you’ve built go to waste. Capitalize on it. Make it work for you. And essentially… work smarter, not harder!

Until next week...

Happy podcasting! 🎧

The Team at We Edit Podcasts

Is it your first time here? Then, welcome! Allow me to officially introduce you to We Edit Podcasts.

We are a full-scale podcast production agency, on a mission to provide everything you need to simplify your podcasting process, reduce overheads, and publish quickly with a strong team behind you!

Our team has been serving podcasters since 2015, so by now we know a thing or two about what it takes to create a successful show!

So, how can we help YOU and your podcast? 👇

Looking to LAUNCH a podcast? Check out our free podcasting courses!

Check out The Podcast Digest, where we break down all the top tools and strategies you need to grow your show.

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Podcast Playbook Newsletter

by We Edit Podcasts

We are a female-founded podcasting production agency that has been in business for 8+ years. We write a weekly email on all things podcasting.

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